March 15, 2024….
After 50+ years, I’m withdrawing from my composing career. It’s been an extraordinary journey and a life I have cherished. For most of my career, my university teaching jobs supported my composition “habit.” Now, in retirement from teaching, the equation has changed. There is just not enough interest in my music to break even financially, not to mention the huge cost of personal time and energy. It’s time to pursue some new directions in my remaining years. I’m sad but realistic about this, but I look forward to goals and projects in new areas.
I will keep my composition websites active (for now) and continue to sell my works here and on J.W.Pepper.
There are not enough words or enough time to thank everyone who has helped and supported me through the years. My heart is full to overflowing with gratitude for the kindness and opportunities offered to me. I’ve tried my best to live up to your support.
For my teaching colleagues at the various universities, thank you for being friends and coworkers in the process of helping educate (in the broadest sense) young musicians. I think we’ve done some good work. For my many, many students over the years, know that I’m grateful to you all for making me a better teacher and a better person.
For my family, thank you for understanding the extraordinary commitment required of composing. While I’ve done my best not to let my work limit our lives, I know it was a challenge. I can’t explain how much I’m grateful for your belief in me and in my music.
To new journeys…
– Steve